Calendar of Religious Times

In the name of Allah, the Merciful and the compassionate and we asking the help to Allah: verily He is the best Helper
Peace be upon Muhammad and Ali and their family the goods, May the curse of Allah be upon their enemies forever and ever

Allah the High, the Almighty in His Holy Book said:
أَقِمِ الصَّلَوٰةَ لِدُلُوكِ ٱلشَّمْسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ اللَّيْلِ
Establish the prayer at the decline of the sun till the darkening of the night


Religious Times

Faĵr - Sunrise - Żohr - Aṡr – Mağrib (Sunset) - Iĕšã - the semi and the last third of the night

Permanent solar calendar of night and day times

Research project, management and scientific peers

Daar al-Maĕaaref al-Ilaahiyyah

Preparation and compilation:
the sciences of
calendar, astronomy and astrology Institute
of Hayaat-aĕlaa Fondation




In the discourse of the custodians of the Revelation (aleyhimo s-salam) from Amir al mo'menin Ali ibn Abi Talib (aleyhi s-salam) been quoted that Rasul Allah (salla-llah aleyhi wa ãleh) said:
ما من عبد اهتمّ بمواقیت الصلاة و مواضع الشمس، إلّا ضمنت له الرّوح عند الموت ، وانقطاع
الهموم والأحزان، والنجاة من النار، کنّا مرّة رعاة الإبل، فصرنا الیوم رعاة الشمس .
« Every God's servant who makes an effort on prayer times and who pay attention to the Sun positions (to discern the prayers times), Allah grant him tranquility at the time of death, disappearance of anxiety and distress and salvation from Hellfire. We (the Arabs) were camel breeders (and we were careful about camel moving in the desert) but today (with avording Islam), we became careful about the movement of the Sun (for diagnosis of the prayers times) ».

All the ritual times of this calendar have been established according the teachings of the Revelation and the Custodians of the Revelation: (the house hold of the Prophet, aleyhimo s-salam). Faĵr, sunrise, sunset (Mağrib) and Iĕšã times have been extracted from of the references of the main international astronomic centers like the Astronomy center of the Naval forces of USA, NASA, the Air Force and the Ministry of Defense of USA and England, the Astronomy center of naval force of England, the Greenwich observatory and also from works of some astronomers, authors of calendar, pilots, sailors, photographers, film makers, fishermen around the world who need the exact calculation of sunrise, sunset, morning and evening twilight times. then, according these calculations the others times like Faĵr kãžeb, Żohr, Aṡr, the end of Iĕšã time, midnight and the third part of the night have been extracted.

The times of Faĵr, sunrise, sunset and Iĕšã are usually calculated from precise mathematical formulas considering the spherical trigonometry. But those calculations are global and because of many other factors, a coefficient of errors and inaccuracies can be observed in some calendars. for this reason we have preferred to use data from the most important centers of Astronomy in the world and especially the Astronomy Military Centers of Army, Navy and Air forces. the religious times have been calculated from these data.

Presentation of fourteen ritual times:
Morning twilight is lighting before sunrise and in the mid-latitude regions, sunrise and the beginning of morning twilight is named “Faĵr ṡãdeq” (true Faĵr). It is the time to form the intention to fast and to pray the morning Prayer. The time of “Faĵr kãžeb ” (false Faĵr) which is the excellence time of supererogatory prayers of Wetr and the time of abstinence for person who want to fast, is about 12 minutes (three ecliptic degrees) before " Faĵr ṡãdeq ". The time of interval between the beginning of morning twilight and sunrise is called “bain al-toloaeyn” . Azan Żohr is at the center of the interval of time between sunrise and sunset when zenith time. It is also the “žouȟã” time (brunch time ) and a time for adorations. Between zenith time and sunset, in the center of this interval of time is Aṡr . Azan Mağrib and sunset are together. Evening twilight is lighting after sunset: sunset and the end of evening twilight in mid-latitude is Iĕšã . Iĕšã time is symmetrical with Faĵr time. The interval of time between sunset and evening twilight is called “bein al-aĕšãĩn” which duration is equal to “bein al-ṫolõĕin”. The midnight is at the center of the interval of time between sunset and sunrise or at the center of the interval of time between evening twilight (Iĕšã time) and the morning twilight and Faĵr ṡãdeq (morning Azan). According the teachings of the Maktab of the Revelation: passage of the first third of the night is the end of the excellence time of Iĕšã Prayer and the beginning of the beginning of the second third of night which is the time of rest and sleep . The Midnight is the time of acceptance of the invocations and the last third of the night is for tahajjod (noctural orisons) and supererogatory prayers, prosternations and incantations. These four night times are obtained by dividing the duration of the night by half and third. although the night, according the celestial and conventional point of view, is beginning with sunset and continued until evening twilight, in the discourse of the custodians of the Revelation : (aleyhimo s-salam) “bein al-ṫolõĕin” and “bein al-aĕšãĩn ” are considered as two times outside of day and night. Therefore to calculate the different parts of the night, first we must calculate the interval of time between Iĕšã and Faĵr, then apply the operation aforesaid.

Ritual times in high geographic latitudes:
In the regions of high geographic latitude of 48°33′43 ′′ or more of the southern or northern hemisphere. In a part of the year, after sunset, evening twilight (lighting after sunset) doesn't go down and joins the morning twilight (lighting before sunrise): all the night, the light of the sky is same the light of “bein al-ṫolõĕin” and “bein al-aĕšãĩn ”, then, suddenly the sun is rising. In this case, sunset and sunrise times only can be recognizable and it is impossible to discern Iĕšã and Faĵr times (according to the characteristics of Iĕšã and Faĵr times in regions of mid-latitude) . In an other part of year, when the evening twilight join morning twilight, the light of the sky is so intense that night like day. It is called the "polar day" or "midnight Sun". During the polar day season, according the last Faĵr time, we calculte Faĵr and Iĕšã "taqdiri times"

Iĕšã time in high geographic latitudes:
When absence of sunset and junction of evening twilight with morning twilight, the hour of the excellence time of Iĕšã Prayer is Iĕšã "taqdiri time" that means, 72 minutes after sunset which is equivalent to the minimum amount of evening twilight and the time of 18 degrees in mid-latitudes. The end of the excellence time of Iĕšã Prayer is one hour and a half after sunset : do not delay it further.

For calculating the half, third and two-thirds of the night when Faĵr and Iĕšã are very close to midnight and when evening twilight join morning twilight, for calculating the amount of night we consider Iĕšã and Faĵr "taqdiri times" that means the interval of time between 72 minutes after sunset until 72 minutes before sunrise, then we apply the aforesaid divisions.

Faĵr time in high geographic latitudes that is an unconventional night:
1- When evening twilight is very close to midnight: About fasting: the beginning of the abstinence and the time to form the intention to fast are at the time of Faĵr ṡãdeq. About morning Prayer: it is better to perform the morning Prayer in Faĵr "taqdiri time" that means 72 minutes before sunrise which is equivalent to the minimum amount of morning twilight and the time of 18 degrees at mid-latitudes

2- When evening twilight joins morning twilight (midnight Sun): About fasting: the beginning of the abstinence and the time to form the intention to fast are at the time of the last Faĵr ṡãdeq. About morning Prayer: the morning Prayer must absolutely perform at the time of Faĵr "taqdiri time" that means 72 minutes before sunrise.


To calculate the ritual times of your desired location click on the button

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Mecca (Mekkah Mokarramah) Medina (Madinah Monavvarah) Najaf (Naĵaf Ašraf) Karbala (Karbalã Moĕlã) Kadhimiya(Kãżemain Šarifain) Mashhad (Mašhad Moqaddas) Samarra(Sãmarrã Ğarĩb) Al Qods (Bayt oul Maqdes)