Sources and scientific references of lunar observation

Some sources of the solar calendar of lunar observation in the Revelation's Speech and the Discourse of Custodians of the Revelation عليهم السلام :

In The holy Speech of the Revelation: The Holy Qoran

In the Discourse of Custodians of the Revelation عليهم السلام:
The books of Al-Faḋãảel, Faḋl ibn Šãžãn p.24.
Al-Kãfi, Šeiǩ Koleynĩ Vol.4, p.77.
Men lãyaĥḋat õl-Faqĩh, Šeiǩ Ṡadõq Vol.2, p.78.
Al-Maqnaĕah, Šeiǩ Mofĩd p.48.
Al-Aĕdadiyyah, Šeiǩ Mofĩd p.17.
At-Tahžĩb, Šeiǩ Ṫõsĩ Vol.4, p.180.
Al-Estebṡãr, Šeiǩ Ṫõsĩ Vol.2, p.63.
Al-Mabsõṫ, Šeiǩ Ṫõsĩ Vol.1, p.268.
The book saãd oul-soĕõd, Sayyed ibn Ṫãwõs p.37.
Iqbãl õl-aĕmãl, Sayyed ibn Ṫãwõs Vol.1, p. 56-61.
Beĥãr õl-anwãr Aĕlãmeh Maĵlesĩ, Aĕlãmĩ print press, Beyrout, Vol.11, p. 269 and Vol.15, p. 288 288.
Wasãảel õl-šyaĕh, Šeiǩ Ḣor Ĕãmolĩ Vol.10, p. 286.
Mostadrak õl-wasãảel, Moĥaddeç Nõrĩ Vol.7, p. 403.

Some of astronomical sources of the solar calendar of lunar observation:

1- Ketãb oul-ãçãr al-bãqiyyah aĕn oul-qorõn al-ǩãliyyah (The book Remaining Signs of Past Centuries) Abõ Rayĥãn Bĩrõnĩ , Translated by Akbar Dãnã Serešt, Amĩr Kabĩr Publications, 1363.

2- At-Tafhĩm li awwã'el ṡanãĕat oul-tanĵĩm (Understanding Astrology), Abõ Rayĥãn Moĥammad ibn Aĥmad Bĩrõnĩ Ǩarazmĩ, compilation of 420 lunar hijri, corrected by Ĵalãl õd-dĩn Homãĩ. The Publication of Homã Institute, year 1367 Šamsĩ.

3- Ketãb sĩ faṡl (Thirty Chapters (in the knowledge of the planets and calendar)), Ǩaĵeh Naṡir õd-din Ṫõsĩ, (Death in 672 lunar hijri).

4- Ketãb Bist Bãb, (twenty chapters) (in the calendar), Ǩaĵeh Naṡir õd-din Ṫõsĩ (Death in 672 lunar hijri).

5- Ketãb Gãhnãmehye taṫbĩqĩye seh hezãr sãleh, Aĥmad Bĩrašk, Šerkat Entešãrãt ĕlmi va farhangĩ, 1367 (A three thousand year comparative chrological tables).

6- Taqvĩme taṫbĩqĩ (Comparative calendar 1500 years lunar hijri and gregorien), Ferdinald Wüstenfeld and Edward Mahler. Translated by Ĥakĩm õddĩn Qoreyšĩ, Tehran, 1360 šamsi.

7- Nautical Astronomy, B.Krasavtsev - B.Khlyustin, Translation by Amĩr Ĥãĵĩ Ǩodãverdĩ Ǩãn and Sayyed Aĥmad Sayyedĩ Nõqãbĩ. Ostãn Qods Raḋavĩ Publication, 1366.

8- The book " Astronomical Algorithms " by Jean Meeus, Second Edition Willmann-Bell Publications, Richmond City in America, 1998, ISBN 0943396-61-1. This book is the main reference for calculations astronomical topics and the astronomical and calendar calculations softwares.

9- " Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac" edited by P. Kenneth Seidelmann, U.S., Washington D.C. 2005.

10- Astronomical calculations Center and Observatory of IMCCE in Paris. This French center gives specialized informations about astronomy and the calendars.

11- Scientific Center of John Walker in Switzerland. This center provides useful informations in astronomy, calendar, physics…